PDF Estimation des stocks de Carbone dans les différents peuplements forestiers de Kisangani et ses environs R.D. Congo.

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Upload date 08 Feb 2017
Contributeur Justin Asimonyio
Couverture géographique Kisangani, R.D. Congo.
Mots-clefs Le stock de Carbonne, equation allometrique. biomasse et Ia densite.
Date de publication 09/02/2017
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1 TFE Bosuandole Bolila_2013.pdf (actuel) Justin Asimonyio 08 Feb 2017 8 MB application/pdf

Aerial forest woody biomass estimates are needed to monitor changes in carbon stocks as well as for other purposes. This study was conducted in the district of Tshopo around the town of Kisangani, in three villages (Bafwabula. Yambela and Yaoseko). In the present work. we look at the carbon stored in biomass living from natural forests.  This stock of carbon important across the globe is poorly known and little study i 1  (Ill.  region of Kisangani. The study of biomass allows quantifying the impact of human activities  on forest and trying to better understand its ecological functioning. The main idea    COl"this   study    is to estimate the   stock of carbon sequestered in different uses of Earth systems. 7(J pl )1:-    were installed in different types of stands (primary forest on soil hydromorphe. primary Iores;  on dry land. secondary forest. plantation rubberwood. fallow. and fields) .  3716 plant individuals were sampled from a dbh ranging from 5 to  175 em; to which 1142 Bafwabula individuals, I ~-+8to Yam bela and 1326  at Yaoseko. Getting there should  ev .iluate  the aboveground biomass; it is why two models of allometric equation with variables:  height, dbh and deusity  of wood is the object of this study (the model of Chave et al. 2005 and Faye &a11l]1:  al. 2013). Average estimat ion of biomass and sequestered carbon varies according to the types of stands.