PPT The present state of the digitalization in Democratic Republic of Congo. Case of the Herbarium of Lwiro

Télécharger TDWG_2014_State of digitalization_LWI.ppt ( 5 MB)
Upload date 14 Oct 2015
Contributeur Jeanclaude Mwangamwanga
Couverture géographique RD. Congo
Mots-clefs digitalistion, activity, herbaria
Date de publication 27/10/2015
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1 TDWG_2014_State of digitalization_LWI.ppt (actuel) Jeanclaude Mwangamwanga 14 Oct 2015 5 MB application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
In general, the digitalization of herbaria in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has already reached a very high level.