PDF Diversity of rodents and shrews in Rubi-Télé Hunting Domain in the territory of Buta, Bas Uélé Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo

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Upload date 17 Mar 2017
Contributeur bienfait,Jean-Léon kambale
Couverture géographique Buta, bas Uélé, R D Congo
Mots-clefs iversity, rodents, shrews, rubi-télé, hunting domain
Date de publication 17/03/2017
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1 ptm rubi.pdf (actuel) bienfait,Jean-Léon kambale 17 Mar 2017 653 KB application/pdf

His study focuses on the systematic inventory of rodents and insectivores (shrews and rodents) in the Rubi-Télé hunting domain in Buta territory, Kisangani. The capture was performed during two seasons namely the rainy and dry seasons. The technique of trapping in line based on the use of 3 types of traps was used: Pitfall, Sherman and Victor. We installed 10 lines for the rainy season and 5 lines for the dry season. A total of 489 specimens were captured for both capture session. Of the species of Shrews, C. cf. dolichura, P. schoutedeni, S. cf. Remyi and S. jhonstoni were captured only during the rainy season while C. ludia and Crocidura sp. were capture only in the dry season. As for rodents, all species caught are the same for both seasons except 3 specimens of Praomys that were not raised to the rank of species were captured only in the dry season. The Shannon-Wiener beta index (Hβ) shows that populations are similar for habitats FPM-FG, FS-JV, CC -TC, JV-CC and JV-BR while TC-BR habitats are similar. We suggest that similar studies be carried out on the small mammals of the Rubi-Télé hunting domain to learn more about the biodiversity in order to give more importance to the management of this hunting domain.