PDF Influence de chablis sur la structure des forêts mixtes de la réserve forestière de Yoko (Ubundu, RD Congo)

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Upload date 08 Feb 2017
Contributeur Justin Asimonyio
Couverture géographique YOKO, UBUNDU, R .D.CONGO,
Mots-clefs Influence, chablis. structure, mixtes, YOKO,
Date de publication 09/02/2017
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1 TFE Katembo Wasingya_2011.pdf (actuel) Justin Asimonyio 08 Feb 2017 12 MB application/pdf

Rainy  tropical  forests  are  characterized   by  a  very  hetergenous   complex   structure   in  green space. The study  of factors  that are  responsible   of that heterogeneity   is important  in case of setting up a lasting  fitting out in areas. Then,  we studied  the  influence   of  ecologic   parameters   (light  and  chablis)   about  structural heterogenty  (density,  earth  surface  and diametric  structure  of mixed  forests  ofYoko). Finally,  for trees  of dbh ::::10cm, we used placing  up method  that consist  subdividing   hectare into  four  equal  compounds    of  50  m  X  50  m  each  of  them.   We  defined   one  hectare   in disrupted  area  and  another   in a disrupted   area,  we  received  408  individuals   shared  into 74 species  and 60 kinds  belonging   to 27  families  but  in a non disrupted   area,  we received  363 individuals  shared  into 74 species  and 53 kinds belonging  to 22 families. About  specific  diversity   point  of  view  and  diversity,  the disrupted   area  is more  diversified than  the  non disrupted   area.  Concerning   the  diameter,  our  analysis  proved  the  presence  of individuals  of big diameter    in the two first classes  in the two areas (sites). In  the  end,  statistic   tests  applied   on  the  density,  the  earth  surface   and  diametric   structure allowed  us to make  a conclusion   that ecologic  parameters  that  we studied  (light  and chablis) have not influenced  the floristic  composition  of the forests.