PDF Etude de la structure des émergents et des dominants dans la forêt de Yangambi (Cas de la forêt d'aménagement de l'INERA-Yangambi) Par Papy Kombozi

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Upload date 19 Jan 2017
Contributeur Justin Asimonyio
Couverture géographique yangambi, république Démocratique du Congo
Mots-clefs Forêt aménagée, structure, Emergents, Dominants.
Date de publication 19/01/2017
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1 D.A KIDIMBU 2009.pdf (actuel) Justin Asimonyio 19 Jan 2017 21 MB application/pdf

Forest Planning Yangambi has been the subject of our investigations. It is part of the dense humid forests of the DRC who are not sufficiently known and there is usually no plan for the protection and management. The study focuses on the structure of emergmg and dominant. The objectives were: to study the structure of the emerging anù ùominant in thc- forcst management of INERA-Yangambi, highlighting the emerging recovery of the dominant and,
knowing the relationship that exists between the diameter of crown and DBH by the exponential model and show density per hectare of emerging and dominant. We conducted the data collection by the inventory block an area of 200 acres in the operative permanent INERA / Yangambi. The method involved the inventory, identification, marking, positioning, making DBH, height of stem and total and crown radius. The analysis results are summarized as follows:
• The density of the dominant is 4 stems per hectare and the emerging 2 stems per hectare.
• The species represented in the mainstream are Trilepisium madagascariensis was 7.8%, 7.3%
Pterocarpus soyauxii, Celtis mildbraedi 5.9%, Symphonia globulifera 5.4% and 5.3% Petersianthusmacrocarpum.
• The species represented in the emerging are: Pericopsis elata 20.2%, 10.7% Celtis mildbraedi,
Pterocarpus soyauxii 10.7%, 7.3% madagascariensis Trilepisium Priora oxyphyllum and 6.4%. Basal area of dominant and emergmg IS estimated at 2.47 m2/ha.
• The surface of the crown of the dominant and emerging is estimated at 12.12%.