PDF Estimation du stockage de carbone dans les plantations de l'I.N.E.R.A.-Yangambi à Yangambi ( RD. Congo): Cas de Autranella congolensis (De Wild) J. Léonard et de Drypetes likwa (J. Léonard nomen)

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Upload date 20 Jan 2017
Contributeur Justin Asimonyio
Couverture géographique Yangambi, république Démocratique du Congo
Mots-clefs Stockage de carbone, Plantation
Date de publication 20/01/2017
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1 D.A EBUY 2009.pdf (actuel) Justin Asimonyio 20 Jan 2017 32 MB application/pdf

The tropical forests, that covers close ta 2 billion with hectare (ha) of the surface of the globe (of which 20 % are located in the basin of Congo) (Greenpeace, 2008), offer extraordinary possibilities potentially ta contribute ta the attenuation of the climatic changes and the setting ref of adaptation measures. Thanks ta the photosynthesis the trees arbores the coz of the atmosphere ta detach the carbon of it and ta fix it in it organic matter of which it is the constituent of basic. They free follows in the atmosphere the remaining oxygen. Would not the stock of carbon in the plantations be it not different according ta the studied species, the density of the plantations, their age, the fashions g plantation, and depending on whether they are been managed or no? The chai ce of the species essentially carried on made it that they were never the subject of a survey in the setting of the evaluations of the carbon storage in the region of Yangambi, a territory situated ta 100 km in the west of the city of Kisangani in the center of research of the I.N.E.R.A (National Institute for the survey and Research Agronomie). This work has been made possible thanks ta a team composed of twenty people or persans. We used the direct method that give sorne results precise and reliable (destructive method). Twelve tree models were directed at least a tree by permanent parcel, ta compartmentalize the aerial biomass by categories. Fruit, leaf, branch, (happier); trunk (stock) , and peel (concerned different parts); and appropriated the samples destined ta the laboratory (ta weigh in Oren state and ta dry, then weigh once again). The simple of wood was dried ta the temperature of 105°c and the sample of leafwas dried with more of attention ta 70°c. We got the results below: case of Autranella congolensis 373, 9 tons ta the hectare carbon (70 years), Gilbertiodendron dewevrei 229,3 frons carbon ta the hectare (70 years) and Drypetes likwa 113,3 tons carbon ta the hectare. The average density of species: 0, 71 for Autranella congolensis, 0, 63 for Gilbertiodendron dewevrei and Drypetes likwa: 0, 41. The model of Chave 2005 (model ta) corresponds ta our adjusted mode!, what permitted us of validated or of invalidated our hypothesis of the departure according ta which: the age of plantations; the density of plantations; the fashions of management influenced the storages of carbon differently in the plantations. Therefore, the storages of the carbon are function of species; of their densities and especially oftheirs ages