PDF Contribution à l'etude de la régénération naturelle de Cola griseiflora De Wild dans le dispositif permanent au bloc sud de la réserve forestière de Yoko (Ubundu, Province Orientale, RD Congo)

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Upload date 08 Feb 2017
Contributeur Justin Asimonyio
Couverture géographique Yoko, RD. Congo,
Mots-clefs Regeneration naturelle. Cola griseiflora. dispositif permanent,
Date de publication 09/02/2017
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1 TFE Mitshumbi Kihuyu_2011.pdf (actuel) Justin Asimonyio 08 Feb 2017 5 MB application/pdf

The study of regeneration Cola griseiflora in the South block of the permanent of Yoko helped inventory •1799 individuals had 1117 semislha, 251 regenerates acquitslha and 39 futaies/ha, The general objective of this study was to determine the current state of the regeneration of the Cola griseiflora.
Two devices have been installed in which one of 100 x 100 m or Iha and other one of 100 x 50 m, D,S ha. The devices have been subdivided into 100 plots of lOx 10m and the second in 50 plots of the same size. All individuals of Cola griseiflora dbh < IDem and ~ 10 em were inventoried and positioned by cartesian coordinates x, y while all the semi-finals (dbh < 1 ern) were only counted in every plot for the device of 100 x 100 m, except for ~ 10
ern dbh or summer fell inventory systematically across the surface of study but those of regenerates acquired has been done with the method of dame games, i.e for a total 100 plots delimited only 50 fell the purpose of the inventory while the other 50 stocks was not  The diameter of the structure of purchased and regenerates forests having a curve shape "inverted J" in two devices. The basal"area eastern of 0,2257 mvha for regenerates acquired and 0,6181 mvha for adult individuals. The distribution of gains and regenerates individuals in the forests in two devices shown a one regenerates gained independence from the distance but small to analyze within the device second.