PDF Contribution a l'analyse structurale et floristique de la foret mixte dans la réserve forestière de Yoko (bloc-nord)

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Upload date 08 Feb 2017
Contributeur Justin Asimonyio
Couverture géographique Yoko, RD.Congo,
Mots-clefs Structure et flore, Forêt mixte,
Date de publication 08/02/2017
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1 TFE Tokombe Etshoko_2011.pdf (actuel) Justin Asimonyio 08 Feb 2017 8 MB application/pdf

This  study  is a contribution    to  the  floristic   and  structural  analysis   of the  mixed   forest  in the  forest    reserve  of YOKO.  Its objective   "vas to analyze the  structural  organization   and  spatial  plot inventory.

characterize  according  to the different  habitats  the abundance-dominance,     the specific  densities  within the  forest,   en  suite   to  assess   species   diversity  by surface   sample   and   finally   know   the  floristic composition  of this  forest  formation.   The method  used  was that of the plots  where  we chose  two plots adjacent  (0 each  100 rnx 50m. Each plot was divided  into two plots of 50 m x 50 m (4 plots = I ha). In each plot, all individuals 2: 10 em dbh were  inventoried  at  1.30 cm from the ground  or above  buttresses or stilt  roots.  At the end  of our  study,  we  had  reached  as follows:  440  individuals   grouped   into  100 species and 29 families  were  identified:

- The diametric structure shows  a strong  predominance   of the  lower  indices  and  major  disruptions due

to shortages  in certain classes  of individuals.

- In terms of abundance   and  dominance   of taxa. the  species  Scorodophloeus zenkeri is both  abundant and dominant  as well  as the  families  of  Fabaceae  (27%  and  58%),  and  Meliaceae   (12%  and 7%) and Myristicaceae  (9% and 3%).

- Diversity   indices calculated   show  that  the  forest  is highly  diverse   YOKO.   if we  consider   that  of

Shannon.   Simpson   and   Pielou   evenness   of values   which   give   respectively    3.48,   0.95  and  0.91.

-  The coefficient    of  similarity    shows   that  there   is  no  dependency    between    the  different   plots. We also tried a correspondence    analysis to know the main  preferences   to group  species  on the entire sample and surface. This analysis consisted  of removal  of rare species  by the use of index  Bracharty. Transform   the values by using by using base-l 0 logarithm.l'he principal  component   analysis  (PCA)  showed  a tendency  to cluster  species.