PPT Microdiversity inside macrobiodiversity:zoonotic risk along the Congo river

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Upload date 18 Feb 2016
Contributeur Consolate Kaswera
Couverture géographique D.R.Congo
Mots-clefs zoonotic risk,macrobiodiversity,microdiversity, Congo river
Date de publication 03/05/2016
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# Nom du fichier Contributeur Upload date Taille Type de contenu
1 Anne_laudisoit_et_al.ppt (actuel) Consolate Kaswera 18 Feb 2016 18 MB application/vnd.ms-powerpoint

When and where ecology meets medicine...

Ecology need to meet Medicine by adopting a pluridisciplinary  approach that involves

1)    Ecology

2)    Medical sciences / Epidemiologists

3)    Phylogenetic links/relations between/among host/pathogens

4)    Remote sensing for mapping the zoonotic  risk for humans and threatened species...