PDF Biodiversité et écologie des araignées de la réserve forestière de la yoko et ses environs (Ubundu, RD Congo)

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Upload date 09 Feb 2017
Contributeur bienfait,Jean-Léon kambale
Couverture géographique Ubundu, kisangani, R D Congo,
Mots-clefs Biodiversité, ecologie, araigné, reserve forestière, yoko,
Date de publication 09/02/2017
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1 ALADRO 2009.pdf (actuel) bienfait,Jean-Léon kambale 09 Feb 2017 14 MB application/pdf

The present study on the biodiversity and the ecology of floor spiders in the forest reserve of Yoko and its surroundings was carried out from January to August 2009, in three habitats: old faHow, secondary forest, and primary forest.To reach our objectives, we have used almost two methods: the Distance sampling and the Trap to bore.ln the laboratory, the identification was done by a binocular glass and by the literature based on an anaraneological wild life of African and that of the world. Sorne of statistical indications were used. For example: the indication of Shannon-Weiner, the indication of Simpson, the indication of likeness and that of equitability.The principal results were summed up as follow:ln total, 603 specimens of spiders were gathered and identified in twelve families, 16 kinds and 24 species. The most diversified families was: the Ctenidae, with 3 kinds and 10 species; the Lycosidae, with 2 kinds and 3 species and the Thomisidae, with 2 kinds and 2 species.ln the global, the sex ratio is in balance in aH the habitats though for certain species, the females seemed to be the most captured, but the difference remains no significant.The sampling Distance and the Traps to Bore do not favour the capture of a sex in relation to the other.As to the spatial distribution, the adults proportion is the most raised in ail in aH the prospected habitats. It varies from 62,3 % in the primary forest and secondary forest, to 71,2% in the old fallow.Where as that ofjuvenile varies from 29,8% in the old faHow to 37,7% in primary forest and secondary forest.Conceming the compared biodiversity of the habitats, there is the presence of 20 species of old faHow, 19 in secondary forest and 18 species in primary forest.The popularities of the spiders in the three habitats are similar and it shows us that after the anthropical actions, the spiders have a rapid and an elevated  resilience.The doser values for the different exploited habitats show that these 3 habitats are greatly varied and the individuals are largely shared out among the soecies.About the temporal distribution, that goest with the sampling Distance was that, t-he peaks are located on june, on may and on august.Where as for the traps to Bore, the peaks are located on February, on may, on July and on august.The comparison of our results to those obtened elsewhere, in total, 65 specles have been captured. At Masako, 58 species are present and 7 absent; at the Kungulu Island, 7 species are present and 58 are absent; in the arboretum, 12 species are present and 53 are absent; at Yoko, 24 species are present and 41 absent.