PDF Valeurs nutritionnelles des chenilles comestibles de la ville de Kisangani et ses environs (Province de la Tshopo, République Démocratique du Congo)

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Upload date 15 Jan 2017
Contributeur Justin Asimonyio
Couverture géographique Province de la Tshopo, République Démocratique du Congo
Mots-clefs Basin du Congo, Produits forestiers non ligneux, Chenilles, Composition biochimique, Développement durable
Date de publication 15/01/2017
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1 Art-Okangola-al-2016 (1).pdf (actuel) Justin Asimonyio 15 Jan 2017 1 MB application/pdf

The purpose of this work lies within the scope of the valorization of traditional food of the Democratic Republic of Congo in general and the province of Tshopo in particular and aims the inventory and evaluation of the nutritive value of the edible caterpillars of Kisangani city and its surroundings. The determination of moisture, the total lipids, total ashes, total proteins, the total sugars and the energy value was carried out according to usual techniques. 12 species of edible caterpillars were identified and gathered in three families: Attacidae (8 species, 67%), Notodontidae (3 species, 25%) and Nymphalidae (1 species, 8%). The average values of various calculated parameters are: water (60.92%), dry weight (39.08%), ashes (4.20 g), proteins (52.13 g), lipids (19.81%), sugars (1.19 g), and energy (392.33 kCal). The production of edible caterpillars must constitute an objective to be preached through agro-forestry programs for a sustainable management of the forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo in general and those of the Tshopo Province in particular.