PDF Etude ethnobotanique et floristique de quelques plantes hôtes des chenilles comestibles à usage médicinal dans le secteur de Bakumu-Mangongo (Territoire d’Ubundu, Province de la Tshopo, RD Congo)

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Upload date 15 Jan 2017
Contributeur Justin Asimonyio
Couverture géographique Territoire d’Ubundu, Province de la Tshopo, RD Congo
Mots-clefs Bassin du Congo, Forêt, Plantes à chenilles, remèdes traditionnelles, Produits forestiers non ligneux.
Date de publication 15/01/2017
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1 Art-Okangola-al-2016 (2).pdf (actuel) Justin Asimonyio 15 Jan 2017 8 MB application/pdf

The study of the plants hosts of the edible caterpillars of medicinal use used in the treatment of the diseases in the sector of Bakumu-Mangongo led to the inventory list of 18 species belonging to 12 different families to Fabaceae prevalence. These plants generally come from the forests secondary (12 species) and dominated especially by the trees (17 species), the phanerophytes in particular the mesophanerophytes (11espèces), the sarcochores (14 species) and with
distribution Guineo-congolese (16 species) among which 9 species are Omni-guineo-congolese. The drugs are often prepared by decoction or aqueous maceration at basis of the fresh leaves, the roots, the barks of stem or trunk, the bark of root, latexes and are managed by oral route, anal way and bath of the body. Accessibility to the edible caterpillars and the plant species of medicinal value are the positive assets of these resources for the populations. On the other hand, the noecological exploitation of these resources could lead to deforestation, disappearance if not rarefaction of the biocenoses and
the disturbance of the ecosystems.