PDF Structure spatiale, diversité et types de diaspores des peuplements d' arbres en milieu forestier tropical: cas de la foret secondaire agée de la réservé forestière de Masako

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Upload date 08 Feb 2017
Contributeur Justin Asimonyio
Couverture géographique Masako, République Démocratique du Congo,
Mots-clefs Structure spatiale, diaspores, foret tropicale, diversite,
Date de publication 08/02/2017
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1 TFE Kaswera Kyaviro_2013.pdf (actuel) Justin Asimonyio 08 Feb 2017 9 MB application/pdf

This work is a study on the spatial structure, diversity and types of diaspores of populations of trees in tropical forest, especially in old secondary forest of Masako forest reserve. It is part of community ecology and main objective was to document the involvement of the biology of the diaspores of tree species in the definition of spatial patterns  of distribution of their populations. Thereby, in the context of the successional dynamics contributing to the understanding  of its action on the coexistence of species in the tropical forest. The method used was that of patches or parcel established on a1'1area of two hectares. Each one hectare plot was subdivided into four plots or subplots of 50 m x 50 111 (total 8 subplots) in which all individuals at ~lO cm DBH were identified. At the end of the inventory, 625 individuals owned 91 species and grouped into 77 genera and 27 families were listed. OW' results on the spatial distribution of the population show that in this forest formation taken population  distribution  across  display  an  aggregated  structure  similar  to   spatial structures observed in mature forests. However, the disintegration of these populations by intense samples of individuals, tends to make more random dispersions. As for  mature  stands,  were  observed  in  the  secondary  forest  of  this  reserve,  a  clear dominance  of types of diaspores sarcocbores populations. Species  diversity is high (Simpson: 0.95;) Shannon: 3.71; Fairness:  0.82) and reaches values comparable to those obtained in mature training (Simpson: 0.95;)  Shannon: 3.48; Fairness: 0.91).Spatialiy, there is   a floristic structure related to  U1e  consolidation of the species in this indicating  the   influence  of  environmental    factors  on  the   spatial  organization  of  the vegetation.