PDF Structure dendrornetrique et spatiale de deux agregats des Prioria balsamifera dans le bloc sud de la reserve forestiere de Yoko.

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Upload date 08 Feb 2017
Contributeur Justin Asimonyio
Couverture géographique Yoko, RD. Congo
Mots-clefs Structure dendrornetrique, spatiale, agregat, Prioria balsamifera, futaies, regenerats acquis, Yoko.
Date de publication 08/02/2017
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1 TFE Makungu Kikuni_2011.pdf (actuel) Justin Asimonyio 08 Feb 2017 9 MB application/pdf

The general objective in the latter is to characterize the structure of lwo clusters Prioria balsamifera in block south of Forest Reserve Yoko. Within these aggregates. all individuals with dbh 2:: Prioria balsamifera l Ocm and those with :5: I em dbh <10 em \, ere positioned by taking the coordinates x. y and their circumferences were measured at 1.30 m above the ground. Individuals of other species were simply listed and their circumferences were also measured. Overall, 1431 Individuals in 100 species and 57 families with 24 individuals Prioria balsamifera were inventoried. Basal area average is 30.4901 m / ha with an average for individuals of Prioria balsamifera is 1.4041 m / ha. TIlUS, species and Julbernardia seretii• zenkeri Scorodophoeus are both abundant and dominant in two clusters. The families of Fabaceae, Meliaceae and Annouaceae are both abundant and dominant in two clusters . On bio-ecological spectra, the Congo-Guinean clement, and the Mesophanerophytes Sarcochores are respectively the types of phytogeographic distribution, biological and diaspore most represented. The density and basal area and diameter of the structure Prioria balsamifera individuals in two clusters are statistically the same. For cons, the distribution of individuals is generally acquired regenerates random with respect to forests exceptionally in the first cluster where it is aggregated or dependent from 0 to 4 m of a total of 50 m from the surface analysis.