PDF Structure dendrometrique et spatiale de deux agregats de Julbernardia seretii (De Wild.) TROUPIN dans le bloc sud de la réserve forestière de Yoko (Ubundu, Province Orientale, RD Congo)

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Upload date 08 Feb 2017
Contributeur Justin Asimonyio
Couverture géographique Yoko, Ubundu, RD. Congo,
Mots-clefs Caracterisation dendrometrique, structure spatiale, agregat, Julbernardia seretii. Yoko.,
Date de publication 09/02/2017
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1 TFE Maghaniryo Biloko_2011.pdf (actuel) Justin Asimonyio 08 Feb 2017 10 MB application/pdf

The general  objective  is to characterize  the structure  of two aggregates  of.Jlllbernardia seretii  in the Southern  block of the forest reserve of Yoko. A  surface   of  2  ha  each  of  100  X  200  m  of  with  dimensions    subdivided   into   10 placettes  of20  X 200 m inside of which,  all individuals  of Julbernardia   seretii  to dbhz  10 ern and those with  lcm  Sdbh  < 10 em were measured  to 1, 30 ern of the ground  and positioned  by the catch  of co-ordinates   X,  y. the  individuals  of other  species  were  simply  inventoried  and their measured  circumferences. With the exit  of the floristic  inventory.   1296 individuals  divided  in 96 species  and 32 families  whose 47 individuals  of Julbernardia   seretii  were inventoried. The "Guineo-congolais" element,  the "sarcochores" and the "mesophanerophytes'  are respectively   the  types   of  phytogeographical    distribution.   "diasporas"  and  biological   most represented. The  individuals   of various  species  inventoried   within  two  aggregates   are statistically the same ones  with  regard  to the density,  but significantly   different   for the occupation  from the  ground,   but  they   are  statistically   the  same  ones  in  particular    for  the  individuals   of Julbernardia  seretii. The  diametric  structure  of the individuals   of various  inventoried   species  presents  a curve  in the  shape   of   "J  reversed"    and   statistically    different   within   two   aggregates   while   it  is statistically  the same one in particular  for the individuals  of Julbernardia seretii. The  distribution   of  the  individuals   acquired  regenerates   is  independent   compared  to that of the groves.