PDF Caractérisation des Chablis dans les forêts mixte et monodominante A Gilbertiodendron Dewevrei (De Wild.) J. Leonard dans la reserve forestière de Masako RDCongo

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Upload date 08 Feb 2017
Contributeur Justin Asimonyio
Couverture géographique Masako, RD. Congo,
Mots-clefs Chablis, Forêt mixte, Forêt mono dominante à Gilbertiodendron dewevrei,
Date de publication 08/02/2017
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1 TFE Muhindo Manusi_2011.pdf (actuel) Justin Asimonyio 08 Feb 2017 7 MB application/pdf


Our research has done in opened canopy in mixed forest and dominant un Gilbetiendron dewevrei. The global aim, target of this word is to see how to take some characteristics structuralys and foresticaly of the opened canopy inside this forest. The specifics goals target of this work have been: Taken in stock the different species whis make slave ah the opened canopy.Examination of diversity between then in the mixed forest on the surface ofO,16ha, we have examined 1212 individuals grouped in 159 species and 43 families, in monodominante forest on the large surface ofO,12ha we have had 1134 individuals groups in 114 species and 40 families. At the end the resultant we found, the spece   Scaphopetahum  thonneri is abundant both type of forest where is ordered 44,444% in monodominante forest and 23.680% in the mixed forest. The abundant family in both is for Malvaceae with 47,090% in the monodominante forest and 28,053% in the mixed forest. The dominant family in the monodominante formation is for Fabaceae with 34, 35% and so Malvaceae is abundant in mixed formation. Let's say that as far we examined the diametric structure, the class with contains a good number of feet in the two formations is 0, 5 to 2,5 in regeneration's  group. The proportions is 759 individuals out of 823  either 80,5%  for the monodominante forest and 600 individuals out 823 either 72, 8% in mixed forest. In fact what has been calculated accounting to the diversity.