PDF Analyse floristique et structurale des fabaceae arborescente des forêts de terre ferme dans la reserve forestiere Deyoko (Bloc Nord) Ubundu/R.D.CONCO

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Upload date 08 Feb 2017
Contributeur Justin Asimonyio
Couverture géographique Yoko, Ubundu, République Démocratique du Congo,
Mots-clefs Analyse floristique, structure, Fabaceae,
Date de publication 08/02/2017
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1 TFE Ibofa Modiri_2011.pdf (actuel) Justin Asimonyio 08 Feb 2017 9 MB application/pdf

lhis  Memory  is   a result  of an analysis  made  on different  types  of vegetations found on fabaceae  tree.  It covered  from  yoko  forest  to  northern  part. The  aim to identify the multi- riches offaubaeea   and its structures. This  work  has  helped   us  to  number   a  total  of  612  kinds  representing   three subfamilies   which  are:  Caesalpinioideae, Faboideae, and Mimosoideae.   Their trees  at dbh :S 50 em and  ~ 50 ern have been identified.   It is important  to note that  Caesalpionideae the most important subfamily with 564  species, followed /')\'Mimosoideav with 27 species. and Faboideae  occupied  the  last position  21 species. Among  the species  identified,   Scorodophloeus zenkeri  was the most important 11//('     regarding the surface on soil. But the diametric structure in general shows a strong predominance at group  4 (40 -49,99  em). But group  12 that is 110- 119 had no species. Another important observation made was that group really has important reserve that will be an assetfor rebuilding theforest  in thefuture.