PDF Analyse de la structure spatiale d'un paysage dans la région forestiere de Yamngambi (République Démocratique du Congo)

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Upload date 20 Jan 2017
Contributeur Justin Asimonyio
Couverture géographique YAMNGAMBI (République Démocratique du Congo,
Mots-clefs Système d'information géographique, analyse spatiale. structure spatiale, ecopaysage, déforestation. Résen'e Forestière de Yangambi, cuvette centrale congolaise.,
Date de publication 20/01/2017
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The study of aerial structure has been done in Yangambi forestry region which is a forestry zone of Eastern Province in Democratie Republic of Congo. A chart of TIFF format georeferenced on D.R.C's soil's occupation whose beginning, remote from 2006 has been helpful as a basis in this spatial analysis. Two appropriate methods have allowed us to assess spatial structure: Geographie information system (GIS/SIG) and spatial analysis. Eight soil occupation classes (dense moist forest, old secondary forests, young secondary forests, edaphic forests, mosaic forest-savannah forest, aquatic grassland, rural complex and agriculture) have been brought out in order to allow or facilitate calculations of composition evidences configuràtion clues, and their interpretation these spatial descriptors are purposefully combined to characterize diversity or heterogeneity and the spreading of the soil occupation and apprecill,te the level of deforestation in the (region) preserve. The obtained results show that the soil occupation in Yangambi forestry area is heterogeneous
with a relatively weak fragmentation. The heterogeneity is induced by some marks which constitute different classes of the above described landscape presenting nevertheless intense fragmentation within dense forest classes. This class has been revealed predominant with dense forest's marks within this landscaped eco-system. Considering these results a multisource diachronie study and I1mltiscalary of the forestry preserve becomes urgent to characterize the soil landscape transformation process which takes place in il. This will permit to determine soil adequate usages types in order to control spatiotemporal
dynamics of reasoned management of regional forestry preserves in particular and DRC basin in general.