PDF Analyse de la régénération et de la structure spatiale des Meliaceae de la Réserve Forestière de Yoko. Cas de Guarea eedrata (A. Chev.) Pellegr. et Guarea thompsonii Sprague & Hutch. (Ubundu, Province Orientale, R.D. Congo)

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Upload date 19 Jan 2017
Contributeur Justin Asimonyio
Couverture géographique Yoko, République Démocratique du Congo,
Mots-clefs Analyse, régénération, structure spatiale, Guarea eedrata, Guarea thompsonii, Yoko. iv,
Date de publication 19/01/2017
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1 D.A KATUSI 2009.pdf (actuel) Justin Asimonyio 19 Jan 2017 36 MB application/pdf

Two species of Guarea are the big trees of damp tropical forest of Africa. Their technological proprieties and their abundance in forest planting show that they are among the species exploited at present time in Africa. The current work deals with the study of the regeneration and spatial structure analysis of
these two species in Yoko Reserve Forest. Two methods survey of regeneration inventory conducted us to recognition the capacity of each species to regeneration out, under and/or the around of reproduced feet in the undergrowth no perturbed. By pound, 2,8 stems/ha (Guarea eedrata) and 66,4 stems/ha (Guarea thompsonii outside of reproductive feet; 15 stemslha (Guarea eedrata) and 142,5 stems/ha (Guarea thopsonii) under and/or the around of reproduced feet have been inventoried. The spatial characterization of the small plants showed a spatial structure quasi uncertain for Guarea eedrata and for Guarea thompsonii, it is uncertain at 2 m of the transect, but it became aggregative beyond 2 m. The inventory of individual at dbh ~ 10 cm has provided for Guarea cedrata 0,44 stemslha either a basal area of 0,10087 m2lha and for Guarea thompsonii 4,61 stems/ha either basal area of 0,3733 m2/ha. The spatial characterization of the tall trees showed a feebly structure aggregate, near the uncertain to Guarea eedrata and aggregative to Guarea thompsonii.