Télécharger TFE Richard YAMINGU KOKOTA.pdf ( 3 MB)
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Upload date 03 Oct 2018
Contributeur Judith Tsongo
Couverture géographique reserve de Yangambi, Province de la Tshopo, RD Congo
Mots-clefs Brachystégia laurentii, characteristic dendrométrique,forest monodominante and mixed, population
Date de publication 03/10/2018
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1 TFE Richard YAMINGU KOKOTA.pdf (actuel) Judith Tsongo 03 Oct 2018 3 MB application/pdf

A survey on the forests monodominantes and mixed has been led in the reserve of biosphère of Yangambi.
It's objective was to compare the forests monodominantes and mixed according to some characteristic dendrométriques to know the composition floristique, the density, the dhp
and the surface terrière.

Its methodoiogical approach, the collection of data consisted to a systematic inventory of 10 placettes ot 0,5 to 1 ha each.

Since it was about a comparative survey, the inventory rested on two types of the populations: forests monodominantes (5 placettes) and mixed forests(5 placettes). In each of the placettes (monodominantes and mixed), all feet of the woody species(dhp?10)have been marked, identified, measured and their positioning.

The analysis ofthe inventory data shows that:

• The composition floristique shows that B. laurentii is a gregarious species that forms some populations monodominants;
• The density in the forest monodominante is of417 stems to the hectaire against 429 stems to the hectare in mixed forest;
• The distribution of the stems by class of dhp in the two populations represents 50% for the individuals understood between 10 and 30cm;
• The surface middle terrière for the forests monodominantes is valued to 24,009 m²/ha against 15,5942 m²/ha for the adjacent mixed forests.