PDF Contribution à l’étude structurale et floristique comparée des forets monodominante et mixte dans la réserve forestière de Yoko (BLOC SUD, UBUNDU)

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Upload date 08 Feb 2017
Contributeur Justin Asimonyio
Couverture géographique Yoko, Ubundu, RD. Congo,
Mots-clefs Structure, Flore comparée, Forêt monodominante et mixte,
Date de publication 08/02/2017
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1 TFE Kitenge Mwamba_2011.pdf (actuel) Justin Asimonyio 08 Feb 2017 11 MB application/pdf

Our work  on the  contribution  to  the  comparative study  of  the  structure and the floristic composition between the  mixed forest  and monodominante  in the  Forest Reserve of  Yoko, leads us to  the  question of  knowing,  if  it  is allowed that  the tendency of the supplantation of the mixed forest by the forests monodominantes is confirmed on the level of the link regenerative of these two formations, it remains to know:how is defined - it on the level of the arborescent compartment in floristic term of composition, of specific diversity, the abundance of let us tax and with the density of let us tax. All the trees whose diameter with  l,30m  height is higher or equal to  10 cm were inventoried on a surface of l,S ha is 6 pieces of SOmx SOm. The results obtained after analysis shows that: The total density is of 360 stems per ha for the whole of the forest, that is to say 320 stems per ha for the zone of contact, 348 stems per ha for the forest monodominante and 373 stems per ha for the mixed forest.

-  The  number of  species is 3S for  the  zone from  contact,  36 for  the forest

monodominante and 78 for the mixed forest.

- The index of diversity of Shannon is higher in the forest mixte(S,48) than the zone of contact(4,74) and the forest monodominante (4,3).

- Surface ternere is 16,9 m2 /  ha for the zone of contact, 21,lm2  /  ha for the forest monodominante and 18,62m2 / ha for the mixed forest.