PDF Analyse de la régénération et de la répartition spatiale des Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae dans la forêt de Yoko (Kisangani R. D. Congo) : cas de Prioria balsamifera J. Léonard, Prioria oxyphylla (Vermoesen) Breteler et Scorodophloeus zenkeri Harms Par SHAUMBA KABEYAJean

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Upload date 19 Jan 2017
Contributeur Justin Asimonyio
Couverture géographique Yoko, République Démocratique du Congo
Mots-clefs Scorodophloeus zenkeri, Prioria balsamifera, Prioria oxyphy//a, distribution spatial aggregative, acquired regeneration.
Date de publication 19/01/2017
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The CUITentsurvey on the analysis of regeneration and the spatial distribution of Scorodophloeus zenkeri, Prioria balsamifera and Prioria oxyphy//a, has been carried out in the reserve of Yoko in Oriental Province. ln order to analyze the spatial distribution and regeneration natural of these species, 2 approaches are used: a survey of the analysis of the spatial distribution by the inventory in the block for every tree of dbh 10 cm to 1.30 m and a survey of the natural regeneration, where the method of 1 ha quadrats around the tree in which 8 strips (3 x 100 m x 8 = 0.24 ha) were open; every strip was subdivided in 10 plots of 3 x 10 m where the light was appropriated according to the local coyer.  At the end ofthis survey, 8158 individuals ofdbh 10 cm was inventoried correspondent to a density of 40.79 stems by hectare. The middle basal area was of 7.275 m2/ha; the species Scorodophloeus zenkeri with 6728 individuals, coyer a basal area of 5.55 m2/ ha. When to the natural regeneration in the non unsettled environment, 168 individuals of regeneration acquired were inventoried, the species Scorodophloeus zenkeri with 96 individuals, Prioria balsamifera with 30 individuals and Prioria oxyphy//a with 42 individuals. The totality of individuals inventoried, were met on the plane area, in addition, the majority of individuals was met under the closed coyer (68% of individuals of
Scorodophloeus zenkeri, 80% of individuals of Prioria balsamifera, 69% of individuals of Prioria oxyphy//a). The coyer doesn't influence regeneration in non unsettled natural habitat, none individuals of regeneration acquired were met under the crown of the tree Prioria balsamifera.